How Electrical Muscle Stimulation Works

Updated: 5/1/2024

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a popular treatment for chronic pain. It involves electrically stimulating the muscles in the body to relieve pain. In this article, we will explore how EMS works and the benefits it has for patients. We will also provide tips on choosing an EMS device and using it safely.

What is Electrical Muscle Stimulation (ESTIM)? 

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a type of therapeutic intervention that uses electrical current to improve the function of muscles. It has been used for decades to treat conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain, and post-surgical pain. EMS was initially developed as a treatment for spinal cord injury, but it can be used on any body part.

Types of E-STIM

Two main types of E-STIM are Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). EMS is more invasive and involves inserting electrodes into the muscle. TENS uses electrical current delivered through thin wires placed on the skin.

EMS can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, depression, obesity, cancer-related fatigue syndrome (CRF), post-surgical pain relief, and the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. In general, EMS delivers short bursts (60 to 300 milliseconds) of electrical stimulation that cause contractions in the target muscles. The effectiveness of EMS varies depending on which muscles are targeted and how frequently it is administered. Patients often feel mild tingling.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

EMS can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, depression, obesity, cancer-related fatigue syndrome (CRF), post-surgical pain relief, and the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. EMS uses electrical current, delivering short bursts (60 to 300 milliseconds) to stimulate the muscles. The current is usually delivered through electrodes placed on the skin.

EMS devices come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be used with or without an external power source (i.e., battery).

The full benefits of EMS therapy are still unknown, but some researchers believe it may be helpful in treating conditions like chronic pain, migraines, neck or back pain, and arthritis. Additionally, EMS has been shown to improve mood and quality of life in people who suffer from these conditions.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS uses electrical current to send impulses directly to the spinal cord. TENS devices are small enough to fit under clothes, but they often require an external power source (usually a battery) for them to work properly.

Interferential Current (IFC)

IFC is a newer type of EMS that uses low-intensity currents to stimulate the muscles. IFC devices are smaller than traditional EMS devices, and they can be worn on the skin or placed inside the muscle. IFC has been shown to be more effective than traditional EMS in treating chronic pain, depression, and obesity.

Electrical Stimulation for Tissue Repair (ESTR)

ESTR is a relatively new type of EMS that uses low-intensity electrical current to improve the healing process. ESTR devices are placed on the wound site and deliver continuous electrical impulses for up to 24 hours. ESTR has been shown to be more effective than traditional EMS in treating conditions such as wound healing, vascular injury, and chronic pain.

Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)

SCS is a relatively new type of EMS that uses high-intensity electrical currents to stimulate the spinal cord. SCS devices are placed on the back or chest and deliver continuous electrical impulses for up to 30 minutes. SCS has been shown to be more effective than traditional EMS in treating conditions such as chronic pain, depression, and spasticity.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a treatment used to treat various conditions and symptoms, such as chronic pain, depression, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy (CP), and seizure disorders. FES sends brief electric currents through the skin in order to provoke muscular contractions or relieve tension headaches or migraines.

There are several types of FES devices available on the market today. The most common type consists of two electrodes that are applied directly to areas of discomfort. Other devices use three or more electrodes placed over different parts of the body for broader coverage. Patients can select the level of stimulation they want using an adjustable knob, which makes it easier than ever to find what works best for them.


Iontophoresis is a procedure that uses an electric current to enter the body through the skin. Iontophoresis can be used to deliver medications, vitamins, or other treatments directly to the tissue affected by the disease.

How Does Electrical Muscle Stimulation Work?

When EMS is applied to the muscles, it causes them to contract more strongly than they would otherwise. This increased tension leads to improved blood flow and nerve function in the target area. The result is improved mobility and functionality for the target muscle(s).

EMS provides long-term relief, unlike most other treatments, which only offer short-term relief. It helps patients achieve longer-term results by improving tissue sensitivity over time. 

EMS doesn't require surgery or anesthesia, so it's an ideal option if you're concerned about potential side effects related to those procedures.

How to Use Electro Muscle Stimulation?

It's simple and easy to use, apply electrode pads directly onto the skin and start stimming! No expensive equipment or lengthy training is required; you can start benefiting from its effects immediately! 

Benefits of Electrical Muscle Stimulation

There are several benefits of using EMS therapy. From occasional stiffness to frequent pain. The following are some benefits of using an electrical muscle stimulation device:

Chronic pain: EMS is effective in relieving chronic pain. It can be used with medications or other treatments and has a low risk of side effects.

Depression: EMS can also help to improve moods and reduce symptoms of depression.

Relieves back spasms: Back spasms are a common problem that can be treated with EMS. It's highly effective in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with back pain.

Reduce stress: Stimulating your muscles through EMS can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. This is beneficial for both your mental health and physical well-being.

Atrophied or weak muscles: EMS can help improve your muscles' strength and tone. Because EMS is non-invasive, it's an ideal option for patients who do not want surgery or other invasive treatments.

Retrain muscles after illness or surgery: EMS can help to retrain the muscles after illness or surgery. This helps to improve your physical and emotional recovery.

Aids in athletic recovery: EMS can help to improve athletic recovery by improving blood circulation and stimulating the muscles.

Difference Between Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and TENS Therapy

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a form of conservative treatment for chronic pain. TENS therapy, in contrast, uses electrical current to relieve pain by modulating nerve impulses. The two treatments have several advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of EMS over TENS therapy:

EMS is less invasive than TENS therapy. There is no need for surgery or anesthesia, which makes it more convenient for patients. EMS can be used daily, whereas TENS therapy requires periodic treatment to maintain relief from pain. Finally, the electrical stimulation delivered through an EMS machine does not generally cause side effects apart from brief discomfort during the treatment session.

Disadvantages of EMS over TENS therapy:

EMS is less efficacious than TENS therapy in relieving pain. While both treatments can effectively reduce acute pain, EMS has been shown to provide limited relief from chronic pain conditions. Additionally, EMS does not work as well on certain nerve receptors as TENS therapy.

Final Thoughts

Because there is little evidence supporting the use or effectiveness of EMS Therapy at this time, it's important to talk with your doctor before trying it out for yourself. However, if you're looking for an alternative form of massage that doesn't involve oil or lotion -EMS might be a good option for you.

Learn more about Electric Muscle Stimulation in Oklahoma City by calling ChiroHer at (405) 213-1072 or scheduling an appointment online.

Michelle Andrews, D.C.

As the founder of ChiroHer, a boutique chiropractic clinic in Oklahoma City, Dr. Andrews is committed to providing personalized care to her patients. She is Webster Technique certified and has extensive training in prenatal chiropractic, assisting expecting and new mothers with back pain relief, posture improvement, and preparation for labor and delivery. Additionally, Dr. Andrews works closely with athletes of all ages to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and epedite recovery.


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