Can Chiropractic Care Help With a Herniated-Disc?

Can Chiropractic Care Help With a Herniated-Disc

In today's world, it's no surprise that many people turn to chiropractic care for help with a variety of issues. One issue that chiropractors are often called upon to treat is herniated discs. If you're wondering if chiropractic care can help with herniated discs, read on to learn more about the benefits and how chiropractic care can help.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a common condition that affects the spine. This occurs when a portion of the spinal disc bulges out between the vertebrae, causing severe pain and disability. This can lead to back, arm or leg pain.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

Typically, the symptoms of a herniated disc will develop gradually over time. However, if the herniated disc is large and pressing on the spinal cord, you may experience immediate pain and difficulty moving your extremities. In some cases, a herniated disc can also cause paralysis. 

How is a Herniated Disc Diagnosed?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, your doctor may diagnose you with a herniated disc:

  • leg pain

  • arm pain

  • Weakness in one or more limbs

  • Trouble walking or climbing stairs

Typically an x-ray will be performed followed by an MRI for confirmation. 

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

The exact cause of a herniated disc is unknown, but it's likely caused by pressure or spinal trauma. It can also be due to genetic factors, an injury sustained while playing sports, or working in another physically demanding situation.

Can Chiropractic Care Help With a Herniated-Disc?

Yes, chiropractic care can relieve people with a herniated disc. Chiropractors use adjustments and other techniques to help relieve the pain and inflammation caused by a herniated disc. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the disc. Chiropractic care is often an effective treatment option for mild to moderate cases of herniated discs.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Herniated Disc

Chiropractors can treat a herniated disc in many different ways, so finding one who adequately addresses your needs should not be difficult!

Here are several types of chiropractic treatments that may be helpful for someone with a herniated disc.

Manual therapy

This treatment focuses on restoring balance and function to the spine through gentle joint or muscle manipulation. Manual therapy is often recommended as a first option because it is relatively safe and generally doesn't require any special equipment or training.

Chiropractic spinal adjustment

This procedure involves adjusting several vertebrae within the spine using pressure and/or traction. Chiropractic spinal adjustments have been shown to relieve tension headaches, neck pain, TMJ dysfunction, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more.

Functional rehabilitation

A combination of manual therapy, spinal adjustments, exercise programs designed specifically for those with Herniated Discs (and other conditions), nutritional advice & counseling, cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT), podiatry care & services, occupational therapy services, etc.) can lead to optimal health outcomes.  

Flexion-distraction Technique

This chiropractic technique relieves pain in the neck and shoulder area. The practitioner will move your head and arm to allow you to relax the muscles around your herniated disc. Treatment may last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.

Spinal Decompression

This chiropractic procedure uses a pressure-reducing device to help relieve tension and pain in the spinal cord. This therapy may be helpful for those with Herniated Discs who have difficulty walking or standing because of the pain.

Pelvic Blocking Techniques

These chiropractic techniques help relieve pain in the lower back and pelvis. A therapist may use gentle pressure on specific areas of your spine or place a pillow between your legs to reduce tension.

Is Chiropractic Treatments Right for You?

Many people ignore the symptoms and let their lifestyle suffer when it comes to back pain. A proper diagnosis and prompt treatment can help you lead a life free from pain.

Chiropractic care can be an option when suffering from back pain caused by a herniated disc. Don't hesitate to speak with your doctor or schedule a consultation to speak with a trained chiropractor about your particular situation.

Michelle Andrews, D.C.

As the founder of ChiroHer, a boutique chiropractic clinic in Oklahoma City, Dr. Andrews is committed to providing personalized care to her patients. She is Webster Technique certified and has extensive training in prenatal chiropractic, assisting expecting and new mothers with back pain relief, posture improvement, and preparation for labor and delivery. Additionally, Dr. Andrews works closely with athletes of all ages to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and epedite recovery.


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