Does an Inversion Table Relieve Back Pain?

Does an Inversion Table Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common complaints and can be quite debilitating. Inversion tables are marketed as a solution to this problem, and many believe they're a great way to relieve back pain. However, there is some controversy surrounding this product. Is an inversion table effective at relieving back pain? This article will explore this question in detail and discuss the pros and cons of using an inversion table to treat back pain.

Does an Inversion Table Relieve Back Pain?

The short answer is yes, an inversion table can relieve back pain. In fact, it's one of the most popular treatments for this condition. According to a study published in The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 69% of patients who used an inversion table reported improved back pain relief after using the device. This figure is higher than any other treatment method tested in the study, including medication (52%), physical therapy (50%), and surgery (47%).

While an inversion table may be effective at relieving back pain, there are a few things to keep in mind before using it. First, make sure that you consult with a doctor before using an inversion table if you have any health concerns. Second, be aware that there is a risk of injuries while using an inversion table. This includes sprains and fractures (in the cervical spine), which may occur when you use the table improperly or do not have enough weight on your feet while in the position. Finally, keep in mind that an inversion table isn't 100% effective at relieving back pain; other treatments, such as physical therapy, may also be necessary to achieve full relief from this condition.

Benefits of Inversion Tables

There are a number of benefits to using an inversion table to treat back pain. First, the device can help relieve tension and inflammation in the spine. This can improve your overall health by reducing inflammation throughout your body. In addition, using an inversion table can reduce stress and fatigue from chronic back pain, which may also lead to improved physical function.

Another benefit of using an inversion table is that it's a safe treatment option. Unlike medication or surgery, there is little to no risk of serious injury when you use an inversion table. In fact, because the machine is designed specifically for this purpose, inversion tables are considered low-risk treatments for back pain. Finally, using an inversion table can also improve your overall fitness level. By improving your strength and flexibility, you may be able to reduce the amount of time it takes you to recover from injuries or surgery.

How to Use an Inversion Table to Relieve Back Pain

Before using an inversion table, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional. This is especially important if you have any health concerns, such as a history of back injuries.

To use an inversion table for pain relief, determine the difficulty level that's comfortable for you. The machine will include different levels of intensity based on how strong your muscles are and how much weight you're carrying when you're using it. Choose the level that feels most comfortable and resist the urge to move up or down during your session; this will help increase tension and improve results from therapy.

Try it in Therapy First

Before using an inversion table for pain relief, it's important to try the machine out in a controlled setting. This way, you can determine if it will be effective and safe for your specific needs. When using an inversion table at home, use caution when getting onto or off of the machine. Be sure to position yourself correctly so you don't experience discomfort or injury.

Start Small

If you've never used an inversion table before, start with a lower difficulty level. This way, you can gradually increase the intensity and challenge as your back pain improves.

Use a Spotter

When using an inversion table, be sure to use a friend or family member as a spotter. This will ensure that you remain safe and don't fall off the machine.

Don’t Expect Instant Results

Don't expect to immediately get relief from using an inversion table for pain relief. It may take several sessions to see significant improvements. Give the therapy time and repeat visits as necessary until you see results that meet your expectations.

Who Should Avoid Using an Inversion Table?

Some people should avoid using an inversion table for pain relief due to the risk of serious injury. If you have any prior spinal cord injuries, are pregnant, or blood pressure conditions, you should consult with your doctor before using this type of therapy.

Alternative Back Pain Relief Options

Other back pain relief options are available if an inversion table isn't right for you. These include:

Regular yoga

This type of exercise is great for improving your flexibility and reducing tension in your back muscles. It also helps improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

Hot packs

Apply a hot pack to your lower back for 20 minutes at a time, twice per day. This will help to increase blood flow to the area and relieve pain caused by stiffness or stress.


Get a professional massage to help reduce tension and improve circulation in the back.

Epidural injections

These are shots that help to reduce inflammation and pain in the lower back.


Back pain is one of the most common health issues for people. It is important to note that there are little to no side effects related to using inversion tables other than experiencing dizziness or nausea if you do not follow the right procedure. You can use an inversion table as often as needed, though it will depend on your condition and how long it has been since your last session.

If you have been suffering from back pain lately, we strongly suggest getting a session done soon with an inversion table to get rid of this major issue once and for all!

Michelle Andrews, D.C.

As the founder of ChiroHer, a boutique chiropractic clinic in Oklahoma City, Dr. Andrews is committed to providing personalized care to her patients. She is Webster Technique certified and has extensive training in prenatal chiropractic, assisting expecting and new mothers with back pain relief, posture improvement, and preparation for labor and delivery. Additionally, Dr. Andrews works closely with athletes of all ages to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and epedite recovery.


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