Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Alleviate Migraines?

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Alleviate Migraines

Are you suffering from migraines? If so, you might be wondering if chiropractic treatment could help alleviate your pain. Chiropractic is a treatment that uses adjustments to the spine to help relieve pain and symptoms of migraines. Although there is limited research on the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for migraines, many people believe that it can be helpful. If you're interested in trying chiropractic for migraines, speak with a provider to see if this treatment may be right for you.

What Is a Migraine?

A migraine is a type of headache that typically occurs with intense, throbbing pain on one side of the head. The pain can be so severe that it can make you nauseous and vomit and cause difficulty speaking or thinking. Migraines are more common in women than men and usually begin between the ages of 25-35.

Many people believe migraines are caused by the neck, shoulder, or jaw muscle tension or fluctuating hormones. However, there is still much unknown about how migraines form and why they occur in some people but not others.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Alleviate Migraines?

Yes, chiropractic treatment can help alleviate migraines. In fact, chiropractors believe that many of the symptoms associated with migraines are due to misalignments in the spine and nervous system. By correcting these imbalances, chiropractors feel they can help reduce or even eliminate migraine headaches.

There are several different types of chiropractic treatments that are helpful when it comes to treating migraines, including spinal adjustments and manual muscle therapy. Each approach has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to find a Chiropractor who is knowledgeable about migraine treatments and able to recommend the best approach for your individual case.

How Often Should You go to a Chiropractor for Migraines?

If you are experiencing frequent, severe headaches, it is essential to see a doctor. Many things can cause headaches; if left untreated, migraines can become chronic and debilitating. Here are some signs that you should seek medical attention:

  • You have had at least four headache episodes in the past month that were worse than your average headache.

  • Your head hurts on one side specifically or everywhere else when you move it around.

  • You experience nausea or vomiting during your headaches.

  • Your pain is not relieved by over-the-counter medications or rest.

Can Spinal Misalignment Cause Migraines?

Yes, spinal misalignment may be a trigger for migraine headaches. The pain that characterizes migraines is thought to result from the activation of nerve cells in the head and neck that are sensitive to joint and muscle tension. This can create an environment that is conducive to the development of migraine headaches.

Chiropractor or Massage - Which is Best for Migraines?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best chiropractor or massage for migraines will vary depending on the individual's specific symptoms and needs. however, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a chiropractor or massage therapist for migraines.

First and foremost, it is important to find a practitioner who has experience treating migraine patients. This means they should have had firsthand experience managing pain and improving quality of life through treatments such as chiropractic adjustments and massages.

Second, be sure to ask your chosen professional about their approach to Migraine relief. Some practitioners may focus primarily on reducing inflammation and relieving pain, while others may use holistic methods such as yoga or meditation, which simultaneously address all aspects of Migraine management.

Finally, always schedule an appointment with your Chiropractor or Massage therapist specifically for Migraine relief! Doing so can ensure that you are receiving the most effective treatment possible for your condition.


In the end, whether you choose to use chiropractic services or not depends on a few factors. If you have suffered from migraines and tension headaches for years, seeing a chiropractor can greatly help.

To learn more about chiropractic options to help alleviate migraines in Oklahoma City. Contact ChiroHer at (405) 213-1072 or schedule an appointment online.

Michelle Andrews, D.C.

As the founder of ChiroHer, a boutique chiropractic clinic in Oklahoma City, Dr. Andrews is committed to providing personalized care to her patients. She is Webster Technique certified and has extensive training in prenatal chiropractic, assisting expecting and new mothers with back pain relief, posture improvement, and preparation for labor and delivery. Additionally, Dr. Andrews works closely with athletes of all ages to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and epedite recovery.


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